Legacies aren’t created quick.

Legacies aren’t created alone. Because it takes two flints to make a fire. And we’ve been on a journey of twenty years to build one, that speaks of what was once impossible. Of reaching for goals larger than life. Of shaping the growth of healthcare technology.

And a worthy journey it has been.

In twenty years, we’ve grown. From a few of us dreaming about this endeavor to 1500 employees across three continents – we’ve come far. And it is the people we’ve chosen to walk with, that have made the milestones worthy.

Celebrate with us.

This Founding Day, let’s celebrate The Spirit of emids. The force that inspires us to walk that extra mile. To seek that better solution. To create a better story. Experience emids. Experience partnership.

Download the custom-made ringtone as well.

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